Golden Eagle Sports Complex
6400 Vista Blvd, Sparks, NV89436
Crossroads Sports Complex
SWQ Route 6 & Interstate 355
New Lenox, IL 60451
The Grand Park Athletic Complex
1011 Crabtree Ln, Myrtle Beach, SC 29577
The Baseball Youth All-American Games offer an unparalleled experience, providing the opportunity to play alongside talented athletes of all levels! Each location includes hundreds of players from all around the nation and several countries.
Players who participate in our All-American Games also have the opportunity to be selected for our Baseball Youth Elite Teams that compete in various national events.
If you're a local, regional, and national vendor and interested in working with us, please click here to fill out our application.
Do you have someone in mind who should be considered an All-American? Nominate them today!
Download The Free All American Games Info Packet And Receive An Exclusive Offer For Your Player!
The deadline for pre-order gate passes has passed. Gate passes will be available for purchase on-site.
An event photographer will be present to capture action shots of your athlete. Head over to their booth before the game starts to sign up.
Open to any players whose age division is 9U-High School. For game play, players will be assigned to a team based on their age as of April 30, 2025
Homerun Derby will take place during one day of the All-American Games – that specific day will be announced on the detailed itinerary one month prior to the tournament. The HRD CHAMPION with the most home runs in each age group will be announced at their Closing Ceremony on the last day of the tournament and receive awards.
The duration will be ONE set of 45 seconds to hit as many homeruns as possible. All players must supply their own pitcher. This can be a parent or coach. Pitcher/tosser must throw overhand at any distance that is comfortable for the hitter and tosser.
What’s a buddy request?
We offer an opportunity for all All-Americans to request placement on the same #TeamAAG team as a friend from home or previous teammate they met at an early All-American Games event, that is also attending that same event, in the same age group.
This requires our #TeammAAG staff to play a little roster Tetris when it comes time to building out the teams. Our goal is to ensure that every player has a true All-American experience, by playing on teams with athletes from across the US, while also honoring your wishes to play with a best friend or teammate from home.
Buddy Requests can be made during registration or inside your personal registration portal at
IMPORTANT! You do not need to request a player that has already requested to be on your player’s team or vise versa.
Adding a buddy request can be purchased during or after registration.
1. Log in at
2. Click on “Registrations” in the navigation bar.
3. On the “Registrations” page, select the event.
4. Click on “Buddy Request” in the side navigation bar.
5. Fill out the Buddy Request form.
*To request any players – all players need to be currently registered.
Open to any players 9U-HS. Age, as of April 30, 2024, is the determining factor for your players age division for the 2024 Summer AAGs. Player rankings / skills assessments are categorized by current age division. For game play, players are placed on teams by age.
Click here to book your stay with one of our partner Hotels.
Yes, the All-American Games is a Stay to Play. For more information please click here.
11221 Plantside Drive
Louisville, KY 40299